
The Matt Fiddes Martial Arts Organisation is the biggest martial organisation in the U.K and Australia. As such we pride ourselves on having the highest standards of safeguarding in the industry. Matt Fiddes West Sussex have held the safeguarding code in martial arts successfully, since its inception some four years ago for all of our instructors and locations.


Mrs. Julie Page  MF West Sussex Safeguarding and Welfare Officer.

Mrs. Page has been our Regional safeguarding and welfare officer for the last 3 years.

Mrs. Page has over 40 years experience in early years childcare and primary schools. This has included nursery and pre school leadership, home based childminding, regulation and inspection for the local authority and Ofsted.

Mrs. Page has 20 years experience in delivering multi agency safeguarding training for local authority and local safeguarding board, is N.N.E.B trained and holds a Masters degree in inter professional child centered practice (ICCIP) amongst many other qualifications.

Mrs. Page is available to discuss any safeguarding or welfare issues that may arise to us as instructors and also for you to contact confidentially with any concerns you may have.

Mrs. Page can be contacted in confidence via our dedicated safeguarding email address