Mr. Leyh Head Instructor and Business Owner
Mr. Leyh is the Head of schools for the West Sussex area.
Mr Leyh has been with the organisation for the past 10 years and is a highly respected Instructor and business owner in the West Sussex region. Mr Leyh teaches at our Southwick, Lancing, Worthing, Broadwater and Beeding schools

Miss Costello Senior Instructor, School Workshop and Events Co Ordinator
Miss. Costello has been with the team for 5 years and is a popular instructor among our ladies only team
Miss. Costello teaches our East Preston and Durrington schools along with our Worthing and Lancing Ladies only programme
Miss Rogers Assistant Instructor
Miss Rogers has been a part of team West Sussex as a student and is now training to become a qualified instructor and currently assists in various classes across the area

Mr.Costello Trainee Instructor
Mr. Costello has been a part of team West Sussex as a student, Mr Costello has achieved his 1st dan black belt and is now training to become a qualified instructor and currently assists in various classes across the area